Thrilling Polly

Psalm 17

When I was a child, I could hardly wait to see my gifts on Christmas morning. I eagerly went off to bed knowing Santa would arrive after I had gone to sleep.

The most thrilling gift was the gorgeous doll with the golden hair and eyes that could open and close. She had a permanent place for many years on my bed. I unpacked Polly for this picture and she now lives on the guest room bed.

The message of Jesus birth and life becomes more precious each year as I think about God’s great love and care for us.

~ Susan Singleton


O God, in this era of Antiques Roadshow we sometimes discover things to be more valuable than we thought. At other times we learn that what is precious to us may be of little value in the world’s economy. We thank You for Christmas gifts we treasure. Most of all we give You thanks for Jesus Priceless Treasure, whose birth once again we are preparing to celebrate. In His name, we pray. Amen.


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