If You Love the Lord, I Don’t Care What Else You Do?

When I was a young father/preacher I often used this catchy statement as I worked and served not only in the church but also as I prayed and tired to raise our five children, along with all children! I’m sure I didn’t originate this catchy phrase. I probably picked it up somewhere along my faithful journey. Actually it doesn’t make much difference where it came from, but its message is so on the mark.

We have been reading and sharing our way through this good book titled Acts for several weeks now. I don’t know about you, but it seems as if Paul and the early Christian Church is sounding forth this same message; “If you love the Lord I don’t care what else you do!” We have been, and will continue to learn, just how difficult it was, and is, for the church of our Lord Jesus Christ to find acceptance and growth in the midst of so much doubt and controversy. Acts reads with so much tension and differences that it could very well cause us to wonder if it’s true that the early Christians were really being guided by God’s Holy Spirit!

As it is written in the introduction of Acts in my study bible, “The combination of all of these forces allows Luke to portray the successful expansion of the early Christian mission throughout the Roman Empire under the direction of the Spirit according to the purpose of God.” I have, and I pray you have also, have found strength in our faith and understanding of what has been happening to God’s Church in our day. We have learned that there are many who have turned aside from their love and loyalty of The Church of the Savior and Lord, Jesus the Christ in this day of many options. My prayer is that we will continue to love The Church that our Lord and Savior came to establish as the means for the salvation of the world. I believe in the fullness of God’s redemption and salvation for people of the entire world. May we all who truly care to turn to God always believe God is saying, “If you love the Lord I don’t care what you do!”


O Creator God, Your loving care and forgiveness is far more greater than all the sin the whole world can commit, and Your Love seen in The Risen Lord shines brighter than the darkest night. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.


~ Ray Larson

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