These words are so comforting. But what I struggle with . . . am I always listening to God’s word? Sometimes it isn’t so easy to hear or understand what it is that God wants from me. I recently struggled with making the decision to change employment. I listed pros and cons, talked to friends and family and prayed for guidance. Now I have no idea why I struggled with the decision because it was there all along! I LOVE my new job as Director of Music Ministries. I feel I grow daily in my faith as I work side by side with staff and church members. It was difficult to leave something that I thought would be my avocation for life and jump into something new. Life takes on surprise twists and turns and we must trust, like Joseph, that what may seem to be some of life’s most difficult challenges will end up being some of life’s greatest rewards.
Be Thou my wisdom
Be Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee
And Thou with me Lord
Thou my great Father
I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling
And I with Thee one (Vs 2 Be Thou My vision)Amen