Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at his word: “Your own people who hate you and reject you for my name’s sake have said, ‘Let the Lord be glorified so that we may see your joy’; but it is they who shall be put to shame.”
A young boy went with his grandmother one day and he was thrilled to see all the figures displayed in the stained-glass windows. She told him about this saint and what he had one. Then she pointed to another saint and told him who she was and what she had done. The little boy “oohed and aahed” over the many Biblical heroes.
She then took him to Sunday school and that day the teacher’s lesson was on saints. She asked her class, “What is a saint?” The little boy quickly raised his hand and he answered the question. His response was a saint is one who lets the light of Christ shine through. You must admit he did grasp the concept well. Do you know of any saint who does not let the light of Christ shine through him or her?”
In our life, in our songs, in our church and in our world, we can let the light of Christ shine through us. In our life, in our songs, in our church, and in our world, God can be glorified.
Most Holy God, as saints we can let Your light and Your love shine through us. In our lives, our songs, our church and our world, Lord, You can be glorified. Let us seize those opportunities to glorify You and to let Your love and light shine through us. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.