Summer on the Mount

“You are the light of the world …. Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works, and give glory to your Father in heaven” – Matthew 5:14-16 (NRSV)

There is a small classroom tucked behind the sanctuary of the Pena de Horeb Presbyterian Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The room is a little smaller than the classrooms in our church’s Christian Education building, and yet as an interior room it is very dark. There are no windows. There are two light bulbs recessed into the concrete ceiling, and unfortunately only one of the light fixtures is in working order. Our mission team members visited the room last Sunday morning, and saw the children learning about God’s love through the gifts of their dedicated teacher.

The next day, we returned to the church for a day of dental and vision mission with Dr. John Eycleshimer and Tom Oldt. While some of our crew worked alongside the dentist, and others helped with eyeglass screening, the rest of us went to work on the facility. We started painting in the sanctuary. Then one small group moved to an adult classroom in the front hallway area and a second team tackled the dank little place for kids. White paint on the walls and ceilings of that kids’ room began the transformation. And then a decision was made to make this room shine.

While the painting continued, two people were off to Walmart. (Yes, there is a Walmart in Teguc.) Three floor lamps (and a box fan) took the lumen count in that little room from one functioning light bulb to eight. The results were overwhelming! The children’s teacher, who helped purchase and prepare our lunch, was overwhelmed. Pastor Juan could not thank us enough. And we only wished that we could be there the next Sunday as the children learned of the “Light of the World” in their bright newly decorated room.

That day, our mission team took their turn being the light of the world by sharing light with others who love God. And as those children grow, they just may help others give glory to our Father in heaven.

“Let your light shine”


Wonderful God, Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, help the light of your love shine in our lives every day, so that your creation will be blessed. In Christ’s name we pray.   Amen.

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