40 Years of Manna

The Israelites ate manna for forty years, until they came to a habitable land; they ate manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.
Exodus 16:35

What do you like to eat for breakfast each day? I have heard people speak of eating the same foods for breakfast every morning. It may be oatmeal with fruit. It may be bacon and eggs. Many of them seemingly enjoy their breakfast each day and look forward to starting their day with it. It is just not in my makeup to eat the same breakfast day in and day out.

The only successful diet plan for me was the Scarsdale Diet and every morning it was the same breakfast: whole wheat toast with grapefruit. I ate the grapefruit, but I have never been a fan of that particular citrus fruit. I ate the whole wheat toast without butter and jelly. I lost weight, but I did not really enjoy my breakfasts while I remained on that diet.

As a general rule, I enjoy varying my breakfast each day. This morning I had a cheese omelet and a maple cinnamon scone with French vanilla coffee. Earlier in the week I had cheese soufflé, Canadian bacon, and some stollen that I enjoyed at the holidays and had pulled this loaf out of the freezer. Sometimes I like to have sautéed apples or raspberry cranberry shrub. I enjoy biscuits, croissants, and muffins on occasion. Sometimes I eat cold cereal or oatmeal when I am short on time. On holidays, I may make a strata, breakfast casserole, or baked French toast. Sometimes I add some cheese grits or hash brown potatoes. You see, I love breakfast and it is one meal that I can eat any time of the day. You get the idea that I enjoy breakfast! The rare occasion when I eat the same breakfast is when a friend and I go to Perkins. I always order the pancakes because they are the only restaurants that serve apricot syrup!

Consequently, you may deduce that if I had been living as an Israelite during those wilderness years, I would have been one of the grumblers and complainers. Why is it the same breakfast every morning? Why do we eat manna every single morning year after year? As we neared the border of Canaan it also would have been hard to keep kosher with the aroma of bacon cooking wafting into our camp!


O God, Your son Jesus taught us to pray: “Give us this day our daily bread.” You provided for the Israelites’ need when they hungered in the wilderness and You fed them manna for forty years. As we ask You to give us our daily bread, grant that we may be thankful for it and to share our food with those who are hungry, In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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