2016 Advent Devotion: “Toyland” Remembering Favorite Childhood Toys Received at Christmas

If you have enjoyed this year’s devotions, please consider being a part of next year’s

In a couple of paragraphs tell us about the toy! Here are some sample questions to help you write about the toy.

What was it?
Did Santa bring it?
Who gave it to you?
Was it a baseball or football that created a great fascination with the game?
Was it a doctor’s kit, a building set, or an easy-bake oven that generated interest in a future career?
Did you first see it in a catalog, a store window or had you already played with one that belonged to a friend?

Submissions of stories will be accepted through Sunday, January 31, 2016. If you have a picture of your toy, please submit that as well. If not, we will try to secure images of the commercial toys to accompany your stories. As with this devotional, scriptures and prayers will be added by staff to the stories you submit. Looking forward to you being a part of our next Advent Devotional and reading your stories!

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